Strathearn School

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188 Belmont Road, Belfast, BT4 2AU, Northern Ireland | 028 9047 1595

Staff Details

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Mrs N Connery
Mrs N Connery

Vice Principal Curriculum

Mr A Anderson
Mr A Anderson

Vice Principal Pastoral

Mrs N Sinnerton
Mrs N Sinnerton
Miss S Whitla
Mrs C Rea
Mrs E McMinn
Mrs J White
Business Studies
Mrs J McDonald
Business Studies
Mrs R Armstrong
Digital Technology / Computing & ICT Teacher in Charge
Mrs D Ingram
Drama Teacher in Charge & English
Ms W Erskine
English HOD
Mrs S Harbinson
Mr A Scott
Dr J McBride
Media Studies Teacher in Charge & English
Mrs E Bell
Media Studies, English & Drama
Mr M Stevenson
Geography HOD
Mrs L Hanna
Mrs L Staples
Miss L Carson
History HOD
Mrs J McDonald
History & Politics Teacher in Charge
Mr P Mulligan
History & Politics
Mrs A Blayney
Home Economics HOD
Mrs J Anderson
Mathematics HOD
Mrs R Aiken
Mrs F Cochrane
Mrs P Foye
Mrs L Cozzo
Mrs R McKeown
Mrs J Fielding
Modern Languages HOD
Mrs S Morrow
Modern Languages
Mrs J Muldrew
Modern Languages
Ms J Thompson
Modern Languages
Miss A Turner
Modern Languages
Mr J Meharg
Modern Languages
Ms J Kimber
Music HOD
Miss R Armstrong
Mr C Jellie
Religious Studies HOD
Mr A Anderson
Religious Studies
Mrs R Browne
Religious Studies
Ms S Young
Physical Education HOD
Mrs N Grundie
Physical Education
Mrs B Crawford
Physical Education
Miss J Stewart
Science HOD - Chemistry
Ms A Griffith
Science - Chemistry
Mrs J Gray
Science - Biology Teacher in Charge
Miss M Grier
Science - Biology
Mrs J Robb
Science - Biology
Mrs R Michael
Science - Biology
Ms L Wallace
Science - Physics & Mathematics
Dr K Ross
Science - Physics Teacher in Charge
Miss E Foster
Science - Physics
Mr A Atkinson
Technology HOD
Miss R Newburn
Technology, Digital Technology / Computing & ICT

Administration Staff

Mrs M Ferguson
School Bursar
Mrs L Flemming
Finance Assistant
Miss A Linden
Finance Assistant
Mrs L Wright
School Secretary - Secondary Dept
Mrs J Griffin
Mrs J McGimpsey
School Secretary - Prep Dept
Mrs A White
Personal Assistant to the Principal
Mrs C Norris
School Services Co-ordinator/Exams Officer

Technical Support Staff

Mr L W Turner
ICT Support Officer
Miss G Campbell
AV Resources Technician
Mrs M Black
Technology/Art Technician
Mrs L Mitchell
School Health Nurse
Ms Y Perdomo Rodriguez
Modern Languages Assistant
Mrs L Reid
Modern Languages Assistant
Dr E Haire
Miss L Stevenson
Sixth Form Study Supervisor
Mrs K Black
Classroom Assistant
Mrs M Butters
Classroom Assistant
Ms N Ditty
Classroom Assistant

Premises Staff

Mrs T B Confirmed
Facilities Manager
Mr M Paxton
Premises Assistant
Mr J Gibson
Premises Assistant
Mr D Turner
Premises Assistant

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